The adverse impacts of tobacco on your health – Reasons to take resort to vaping


The US Surgeon General made it official in the year 1964 that smoking cigarettes is directly linked with causing lung cancer. However along the long span of 6 decades that followed, we got to know that smoking is not only responsible for causing lung cancer but it is the cause of many other awfully fatal diseases. With the tobacco epidemic that we face today, it is indeed tough (and sometimes impossible) for a non-smoker to make a chain smoker understand the harmful impacts of tobacco on his health. If you know someone who is turning his deaf ears to the consequences, here are few that you should point out to him.

Poor eyesight leading to partial blindness

Did you know that one of the leading causes of blindness among adults above the age of 65 is smoking? If you thought smoking does any good to your peepers, you’re wrong! They are just responsible in boosting the risk of macular degeneration.

Type 2 Diabetes

Smoking also increases the complication of Type 2 diabetes which can include reduced blood flow to the feet and legs. When the blood flow to the feet and leg area is not proper, this can lead to infection which in turn results in amputation of a limb.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer which develops in your intestines (rectum or colon) and it is also the second biggest cause of all cancer death cases in the United States of America. What is the reason behind developing this type of cancer? Among several other reasons, cigarette smoking is one of them too.


Can switching to e-cigs reduce the toxic impact on your health?

In recent years, e-cigarettes are certainly the most common type of tobacco product which is being used by high-school and middle-school students. But what makes the youth interested in these products? There was a report which revealed the most common reasons why the youth took to vaping. Take a look at few of the reasons.

  • Because a friend or a close acquaintance or a family member used e-cigs
  • With the easy access to online websites like, the availability of myriad flavours like fruit, mint, chocolate and candy has become extremely easy
  • They believe that electronic cigarettes are much less damaging as compared to the other forms of tobacco like conventional combustible cigarettes

With the plethora of online resources from where e-cigs are easily available, they have become products which are much effortlessly accessed than conventional cigarette products. There are even many who have tried to quit their usage of other tobacco items by taking resort to vaping e-cigarettes. So, if you’re still confused about whether to ditch smoking, you can try vaping e-cigs to gradually forget your habit of smoking tobacco.

Eric Craig

I'm Eric, an avid observer driven by a passion for exploring the world of Technology, Money, Finance, and Business to uncover compelling news and success stories. Join me as I push boundaries in pursuit of insightful and engaging content