How to Protect Your Brand as a Business


Starting a business is one thing but building a brand is another entirely. It takes strategy, a strong vision, as well as an ability to see a gap in the market and look for ways to fill it. In light of this, it’s important that you safeguard this brand in the best way that you can as an entrepreneur. You may be wondering what practical steps you can take to do so, and if that’s the case, continue reading. Protecting your brand as a business can be achieved in different ways, and you will see how below.

Register Your Trademark

As a way of protecting your brand, you should register your trademark. This is a legal approach which should give your brand a lot more security. By registering a trademark, you’ll be able to take legal action against anyone who uses your brand without permission as well as sell and license your brand. In case you’ve ever wondered what the ‘®’ symbol means, it represents brands that have been trademarked.

Have a Credible Solicitor

As a business, one of the best decisions that you can make is one to get a credible solicitor. The reality is that when you become a business, you will likewise become vulnerable, so you need to ensure you have the right legal support and advice. You could face any unexpected issues such as lawsuits from customers, individuals or other businesses. You also want to know that you have adequate criminal defence support in case you’re ever in a compromising situation or have been wrongly accused. The last thing that you want is a brand image that you’ve dedicated to building over the years to be tarnished or destroyed. When looking for a solicitor or firm, ensure they’re experienced as well as credible enough to represent you.

Develop Brand Guidelines

No prominent brand is magically formed without careful thought and consideration. In the process of putting a brand together, you will usually find that guidelines have to be put in place to make sure that every decision that’s made and activity carried out aligns with the vision created for a brand. Seeing as guidelines are more or less a set of rules that explain how your brand works, you should create them if you want to protect your brand. This should put parameters in place which prevent you from making relationships or associations that could be damaging to what you’re building.

Choose Associations Carefully

When building a brand, it’s imperative that you think about your associations carefully as briefly mentioned above. If not, you could find that your brand is being viewed in the wrong way and you’re being perceived in a negative light. To avoid this, think about your target audience, what their interests are and also about their value systems. If, for instance, you’ve been able to grow a large following out of your beliefs about environmental friendliness, endorsing a brand that doesn’t share the same values could be harmful to your organisation.  

You have likely heard a lot about protecting your brand in past time, but hopefully, after reading this, you have a practical idea of how to go about it. Your brand is something you should take seriously and protect the best you can.

Apri K

My Name is Apri K. I am working as Editor for and I am a blogger and love writing about technology, health, sports, and travel. You can read her latest write-ups on her personal blog <a href=""></a>.