How to Make Your Bedroom More Feng Shui–8 Ways

Feng Shui–8

Great for trying something new to get a good night’s sleep…

Researchers in Sweden recently found that “two nights of broken sleep can make people feel years older.” This was written about in the Guardian and made for interesting reading. I agree with that.

Right now, there are a lot of reasons why people aren’t getting enough good sleep. But the worst thing you can do is just shrug and deal with the sleepless nights and rude, tense days. If you want to see things from a different point of view, one thing that can help is making your bedroom a place where you can relax and fall asleep easily. Feng Shui comes in.

With Feng Shui in mind, a bedroom is all about making a calm and healthy space that helps you get a good night’s sleep. Feng shui is a complicated art that is best left to the professionals. In a nutshell, it is all about making the space around us more harmonious and balanced. It is based on the idea of “qi,” which means “energy” and links all living things.

The goal of feng shui in your bedroom is to encourage the flow of love, both sexual and self-love. You’re also more open to these forces while you sleep because you’re not doing anything. You need to use them as much as possible.

The smaller things, like where your bed is placed, what colour it is, your headboard, and even what’s under your bed, are very important. So, here are 8 feng shui tips for your bedroom that will help you sleep better.

Colours that are soothing and bedroom bagua

energy in the room



Some shades and tones are thought to make people feel more sexual and calm when they are in their bedroom. Choose colours that match your skin tone as a general rule. You can choose from a lot of colours because people’s skin tones are so different. Think chocolate browns, peach tones, pale whites, and creams. For now, though, try to stay away from bright whites (a lesson for life?), since they are made of metal and can be too stimulating.

You can also use a Bagua map to pick out colours for your bedroom. This is an energy picture of your home that you put on top of the floor plan. The name “Bagua” means “eight areas.” Professional interior designers use it as a guide when they are making a room with feng shui in mind.

If you want to arrange your bedroom in a way that helps the energy of your whole home, a Bagua can give you some ideas. With the compass pointed at your front door, each area of the Bagua is a unique place. To give you an example, if your bedroom is to the south of your house from the front door, then red, pink, orange, and purple are fire colours.

In the event that your bedroom is in the middle of your house, you should use rich colours like dark yellows, auburns, and deep browns. Interesting stuff!

Keep the chi going.

Keep the chi going.


People say that feng shui will let your energy flow freely through your home, which will improve your quality of life in many ways that you can’t see. If you want your bedroom to have good feng shui, you need to know how to keep the chi moving and keep out any bad energy that might come in.

One simple step is to close the door to your bedroom at night since open doors let energy leave. Any good energy will stay in the room all night if you close the door. This will also help you get the best sleep, which is good for both your mind and body.

Also, make sure you have blinds that you can draw shut at night because open windows throw off the balance of Yin energy. If you close the blinds, your chi energy won’t be able to leave through the window, which is something no one wants.

Where the magic takes place

Good Feng shui says that your bed should be the centre of attention in the room. Really, you should make sure it’s in the “command position.” Also, never put your bed against the wall next to the door; people think that you might feel threatened if someone walks in and surprises you, and that can make it hard to sleep.

Continue. If you want to avoid bad Feng Shui, don’t put your bed right below a window. Have strong blinds ready in case you don’t have any other options. This will keep the energy inside. You can read this guide on how to place your bed for good Feng Shui by the good help guys at The Spruce for more information.

If you want to keep the qi moving, energy needs to move around your body while you sleep. Beds with built-in storage drawers should not be used because they block the room under the bed, making it impossible for qi to flow freely.

In the same way, don’t push your bed up against the wall. This stops the flow of energy and makes it hard to relax and recharge while you sleep. So, it’s important to have a strong headboard and a wall behind your head to hold it. In feng shui and in real life, headboards give you a sense of strength.

Your Bed

Because it’s closest to you, your mattress is one of the most important pieces of furniture when it comes to Feng Shui. As you sleep, your body is in a yin, passive state, which means it can pick up on the feelings around you.

Your bed is one of the most private places in your house, so it’s easy for it to pick up “qi.” So, it’s important to be smart about the mattress you pick out. You shouldn’t use a used mattress because you don’t know what kind of energy it has picked up from other people. Choose something that will help. We like having a mattress base that can be adjusted to give us more support.

Accept symmetry to find balance.

In Feng Shui, symmetry means balance, unity, and making sure that everyone is treated equally. To improve the Feng Shui of your bedroom, you might want to set it up so that it is balanced. When it comes to where to put your bedroom tables and lamps, this can work especially well. Putting the same or similar things on both sides of the bed can make the room feel more balanced and stable.

When you walk into a room that is set up in a similar way, your mind sees it as a calm and organised place, which can be very relaxing right before bed. This symmetry also stands for partnership, which can help people who want to make their love relationships stronger.

To put this into action:

  • Place nightstands that match on either side of the bed, making sure they are clear and easy to get to.
  • Pair lamps, candles, or other artistic items to make the room look balanced and give the impression of a partnership.
  • If you can, put the bed so that there is the same amount of room on both sides. This will let the energy flow evenly and make it easy for both partners to get in and out of bed without being bothered.

Clean up

Distractions and clutter are bad for winding down before bed in a way that helps you sleep. There are some things that will always be annoying, like having to get out of bed to close ‘that closet door’ before you can fall asleep. But if your room is really cluttered, it can make it harder to sleep. As it turns out, Feng Shui says it’s more than just ugly; it can actually stop the flow of chi. While you clean up, you might want to burn some sage to get rid of any bad energy in the room.

Feng Shui–3


Watch out for mirrors

Reflection Look at yourself in the mirror. Will I ever find sleep again? Maybe your mirror is making it hard for you to sleep. Hey, you pretty thing, you could be looking for the answer in worse places.

As it turns out, feng shui says that mirrors move energy around the room. Putting mirrors in the wrong spot could make you feel antsy and make your fears worse. So, don’t put a mirror across from or on top of the bed. Even more importantly, never put two mirrors next to each other. The energy will bounce off of them, stopping each other’s way and letting old energy build up in the room. That’s something we’ve all felt, right?

Protect your TV

We don’t all agree on whether or not your bedroom should have a TV. Feng shui experts are right when they say that having a TV is bad for yin and yang. However, we like having a TV in the bedroom here at IDEAL. If you enjoy watching the news in bed with a cup of coffee in the morning like we do, then feng shui says you should cover your TV when you go to sleep. It’s good to find a middle ground when people are fighting.

While the TV is electronic, it has a lot of static energy that can stop the flow of new energy. By putting a simple cloth over your TV, you can calm the room and make it a better place for peace and, eventually, sleep.

In Short

Even though we talked about it for a long time, redoing your room can only do so much. That being said, read our tips on how to get better restorative sleep for a good, all-around way to get your Zzzs.

Mike Willson