Chandigarh IT CEO Delegation Visiting UK 2017


A Delegation of more than 10 CEO’s and Managing Directors / CEI of Information Technology (IT/ITES) companies from Chandigarh visiting the London, Manchester, Nottingham and Cardiff in UK from 26th February 2017 to 3 March 2017 to make investment and tie up for IT projects.

Purpose of the Mission

The British High Commission, Chandigarh organized an IT mission to the UK to provide the opportunity for the startups and SME’s to seek support and meet potential clients within Information sector. Delegates will have the opportunity to interact with private and government sector officials and will able to share ideas and interact with Uk counterparts.

Among the confirmed senior speakers participating in the mission:

Jon Corner, CEO of the Landing Media City UK
Maya Dibley, Head of Partnership Media City UK.
Paul Newman, Director of Communications at Peel Holdings
BBC Connected Studio Presentation
Host: Laura Harrison, Global Innovation Programme Lead and Head of Events
Robert Dixon, Chris Henning, Faith Blakemore Nottingham City Council
Anthony Byrne, Simon Kirk Invest in Nottingham
David Pearson, East Midlands Chamber
Tony Godfrey, Senior Business Development Manager, Welsh Government

The Delegation

Aprajita Kohli
Partap Aggarwal
Charanjiv Bachhar
Achal Gupta
Amit Mittal
Brahm Alreja
Darpan Kapoor
Gautam Seengal
Inderpreet Singh
Mandeep kohli
Maneet Singh
Narinder Bansal
Sunil jain
Vikram R Singh

Media Contact

Megrisoft Limited, London
[email protected]
+44 7466 440 362


Apri K

My Name is Apri K. I am working as Editor for and I am a blogger and love writing about technology, health, sports, and travel. You can read her latest write-ups on her personal blog <a href=""></a>.


  1. Thanks for sharing this news Apri. Looking forward to the delegates of different IT Companies. This mission will surely enhance the investment opportunities for the various New IT startups. All the best to all delegates.

  2. The IT mission to the UK which is organised by the British Deputy High Commission is a much needed step in the right direction towards increasing bilateral trade. This will not only open new business opportunities but also provide a lot of insightful learning.

  3. Great news!! Chandigarh IT Companies CEO’s visiting to United Kingdom for this great cause of IT mission, this would be a great opportunity for every IT CEO to attend this meeting. Good luck and have a successful trip all.