Blood Swept Lands Poppies Sculptures to be installed in London & Manchester


The sweeping arch of lots of red ceramic poppy made headline across the world because it was a part of a huge and emotive memorial in 2014. The Sculptures of poppies going to launch at the Tower of London to mark 100 years since the Armistice. Two sculpture designs Wave and Weeping Windows will be going to display in London at the Imperial War Museums. which they had been displayed at locations throughout Britain.

The first installation was created in order to mark the centenary of the First World War at the Tower of London and contain 888,246 red ceramic poppies one for every British or colonial existence lost on the front.

First World War at the Tower of LondonEach poppy was handcrafted, painted and placed by volunteers, and was sold independently to a member of the public, elevate $9.5m for six military charities. Which was seen by more than 5 million people at the Tower of London between July and November 2014. The museum-going to publishing a book about the artwork’s four- year tour around the country.

The director general of IWM, Diane Lees said that “This amazing building is built as a configuration called Shattered Earth. The shards are a planet broken apart by conflict. So to have something as symbolic as the poppy wave over the building is just the perfect sign off to the first world war centenary”.

Iconic poppy sculpture WaveArtist Paul Cummins and designer Tom Piper are going to fix the Iconic poppy sculpture Wave and Weeping Window at the selected location around the UK until 2018. They have already been seen via 4 million people in 16 location. Every installation has seemed different at every site. Now gifted to the IWM, there are plans for a permanent display that can be comfortably shipped overseas for future commemoration and occasion. “There is huge international interest in them,” Lees said.

Diane lees also added that “You can imagine at every anniversary having the poppies out on display. They are going to become part of Remembrance going forward. So I think they have an amazing legacy.”

The Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Prince HarryThe artist Paul Cummins said that “incredible, something quite beyond what I ever expected, and it has been a journey for myself seeing people’s interactions with Wave and Weeping Window at the various locations around the UK”.

The designer Tom Piper said that “With Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red we wanted to create something different – something that represented the tragic loss of life but also the spirit and energy embodied by the people who died in the conflict.”

Post Images by oddstuffmagazine

Eric Craig

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